Triumph of the King

Paul contends that through the cross, Christ disarmed and overcame all rulers and authorities, the principalities and powers of the world. This isn’t limited to demonic or evil human forces. He triumphed over the state, the family, the tribe and clan and nation so that he can say “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

In Philippians 2, he shows the depth and height of that victory. Though He is the creator of all things, he became a man, a new Adam. Though He is God, He doesn’t count that as fruit to be grasped. He doesn’t blame the woman, but takes death on Himself. He takes the lowest place, the place of a servant, and shows that it is actually the highest place by turning everything right-side-up. It is interesting that Paul says that Christ emptied Himself in taking on the likeness of man. He became the dust, the grass of the field that is here today and tomorrow is burned, the vapor that passes away. In John 10, Jesus says that He lays down His life so that He may take it up again. He’s not just talking about His crucifixion and resurrection, though those are very much included. He is talking about setting aside the overflowing, abundant life that He shared with the Father so that he could become the nothing from which His creation was made. He became vapor and wrapped all of creation up in Himself so that He could bring it into His life, His fullness. This is the mind of Christ. This is the heart of the servant. This is the triumph of the King.





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