In all things preeminent

In Colossians 1, Paul overflows in his description of the power and position of Christ.

He is the image of the invisible God
He is the firstborn of all creation
By Him all things were created
He is before all things
In Him, all things hold together
He is the head of the body
He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead
In everything, He is preeminent
In Him, the fullness of God was pleased to dwell
Through Him, God reconciles all things to Himself

It is through Christ that the Father reveals Himself. All of His righteousness, goodness, wisdom, and power is shown to us in the Son. Just as Christ is the firstborn of all creation because all things were made by and through and for Him, so He is the firstborn from the dead so that all might rise in and through and for Him. His resurrection is the beginning of the new creation, the reconciliation and restoration of all things to the Father. Because He is “the Author and Restorer of all things,”* He is preeminent over all and it is to Him that all honor should be given.



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